We’ve all experienced a moment (at work), when you just absolutely crush it. A meeting, a call, a presentation, an Instagram post, sales pitch, anything. The point is, you crushed it and then walked away with so much swag you looked like one of those cool movie stars that doesn’t look back at the explosion they just caused. That feeling is epic. But there’s a reason you managed to crush your task and it’s got nothing to do with luck. It’s because you’re seriously good at your job, like we are with lawn care treatments.
You’re a professional. A seasoned expert that has experience and skill and knowledge and knowhow and technical ability. The problem is, that professionalism is limited to your job-slash-hobby. It can’t be transferred over to those areas where you’re maybe, erm, lacking a bit, like your golf swing, parallel parking, kid’s homework, car maintenance, open heart surgery etc. For those tasks, you need to hire a professional, and the same goes for your lawn care.
So with that in mind, here are 6 lawn care treatments you should absolutely, definitely, 100% hire Joe’s Lawn Care for in order to grow the kind of turf that will make your neighbours oh-so-jealous. Ready? Let’s do it.
So with that in mind, here are 8 lawn care tasks you should absolutely, definitely, 100% hire Joe’s Lawn Care for in order to grow the kind of turf that will make your neighbours oh-so-jealous. Ready? Let’s do it.

The basic idea behind lawn aeration is that, just like you, your lawn needs to breathe. That’s what aeration does. By removing small plugs of soil from your lawn, you’re encouraging fresh air to make its way down to your roots, boosting your grass’ health. But that’s not the only benefit. Aeration also allows more nutrients to get into the soil beneath your lawn, encourages water movement and, deals with any thatch problems you might have.
Every lawn needs a healthy dose of nutrients to help it survive and thrive, whether it be the end of autumn or the start of spring. Imagine a little animal coming out of hibernation, chances are it’ll be hungry. Same goes for your lawn. That’s what the right fertiliser does. It adds nutrients to your lawn that help to strengthen the roots and put up a better fight against drought, weeds and pests. The trick is getting the right amount and the right blend. A professional will know this thanks to their experience, knowledge and expert equipment, all of which will ensure the optimal growth and health of your lawn.
Pests + Disease:
We love lawns. Yepp yepp yepp. The problem is, they can be vulnerable to this and that, especially unwanted pests and diseases. We’re talking ants, leatherjackets, chafer grubs, worms, beetles, fusarium, slime mould, fairy rings, lichens, mushrooms and so many more. All of which, can do untold damage to lawns; the kind that will leave you with the pretty big task of renovating or repairing. Urgh. Or you could hire a professional, who will be able to identify and treat any pests (or diseases) that may be affecting the lawn.
Seeding + Sodding:
Here’s the thing about lawns: they’re all different. Different grass types, different climates, different soil compounds, different pH levels, different everything. Which is cool for so many reasons. But, also pretty annoying when you’re trying to repair bare patches, bald spots or even lay a new lawn. Luckily, a lawn care professional will be able to determine the best seed or sod for your specific lawn and climate, and will have the equipment to properly install it. Epic.
For those that don’t already know, topdressing your turf is a seriously old concept that dates way back (to the old golf course at St. Andrews) and embraces the art of manually spreading compost on the lawn. Translation: it’s about adding a thin layer of organic material over the grass. The trick is getting the right amount and the right material to improve your lawn’s surface and fertility, something a lawn care professional will be well versed in (and they’ll have a clever bit of equipment and not just a shovel paired with a wild swinging action).
Lawn Renovation:
Grass turf is pretty darn hardy. In fact, it would take a serious amount of punishment to kill it off for good. That said, there are times when a lawn can be in such poor condition that it requires some seriously drastic measures to bring it back from the brink and see it thrive once more. Maybe your lawn is full of weeds and moss, waterlogged after a flood, brown from a rainless summer, or any number of things. Whatever the case, the longer you leave it, the worse it will get and the more time, effort and money it will cost you to fix it. It’s a daunting prospect whichever angle you look at it.
Luckily, if your lawn is in poor condition, a professional will be able to recommend – and carry out – a full lawn renovation plan, including scarifying, dethatching and reseeding, leaving you with the kind of lawn you’ll just want to Instagram all the time.
Thanks for reading our guide for when and why you should hire a professional for lawn care treatments. For more lawn care tips and tricks, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.